I have arduino duemilanove i am using a mpu 6050 sensor as here:And the board is here:I programmed a lot many times using this sensor (mpu 6050) but didnot give me any problem. But one day after plugging board it gave message could not find the hardware & when enquired got to know that FTDI chip it was getting very hot so probably i had to get a new board. I did get a new one same board (arduino duemilanove).
But when i posted question in the forum about this people told me that the mpu sensor took a lot of current from the 3.3v pin which comes from FTDI chip. But many of them on web i have seen have no problem when they have used this same sensors directly plugging it to their boards & nor did they use any external supply to the sensor then, why is this problem with my borad? I have arduino duemilanove i am using a mpu 6050 sensor as here:And the board is here:I programmed a lot many times using this sensor (mpu 6050) but didnot give me any problem. But one day after plugging board it gave message could not find the hardware & when enquired got to know that FTDI chip it was getting very hot so probably i had to get a new board. I did get a new one same board (arduino duemilanove). But when i posted question in the forum about this people told me that the mpu sensor took a lot of current from the 3.3v pin which comes from FTDI chip.
But many of them on web i have seen have no problem when they have used this same sensors directly plugging it to their boards & nor did they use any external supply to the sensor then, why is this problem with my borad? I have arduino duemilanove i am using a mpu 6050 sensor as here:And the board is here:I programmed a lot many times using this sensor (mpu 6050) but didnot give me any problem. But one day after plugging board it gave message could not find the hardware & when enquired got to know that FTDI chip it was getting very hot so probably i had to get a new board. I did get a new one same board (arduino duemilanove). But when i posted question in the forum about this people told me that the mpu sensor took a lot of current from the 3.3v pin which comes from FTDI chip.
Arduino Uno 3.3v
But many of them on web i have seen have no problem when they have used this same sensors directly plugging it to their boards & nor did they use any external supply to the sensor then, why is this problem with my borad? I have arduino duemilanove i am using a mpu 6050 sensor as here:And the board is here:I programmed a lot many times using this sensor (mpu 6050) but didnot give me any problem. But one day after plugging board it gave message could not find the hardware & when enquired got to know that FTDI chip it was getting very hot so probably i had to get a new board. I did get a new one same board (arduino duemilanove).
But when i posted question in the forum about this people told me that the mpu sensor took a lot of current from the 3.3v pin which comes from FTDI chip. But many of them on web i have seen have no problem when they have used this same sensors directly plugging it to their boards & nor did they use any external supply to the sensor then, why is this problem with my borad? I have arduino duemilanove i am using a mpu 6050 sensor as here:And the board is here:I programmed a lot many times using this sensor (mpu 6050) but didnot give me any problem. But one day after plugging board it gave message could not find the hardware & when enquired got to know that FTDI chip it was getting very hot so probably i had to get a new board.
I did get a new one same board (arduino duemilanove). But when i posted question in the forum about this people told me that the mpu sensor took a lot of current from the 3.3v pin which comes from FTDI chip. But many of them on web i have seen have no problem when they have used this same sensors directly plugging it to their boards & nor did they use any external supply to the sensor then, why is this problem with my borad? I have arduino duemilanove i am using a mpu 6050 sensor as here:And the board is here:I programmed a lot many times using this sensor (mpu 6050) but didnot give me any problem. But one day after plugging board it gave message could not find the hardware & when enquired got to know that FTDI chip it was getting very hot so probably i had to get a new board. I did get a new one same board (arduino duemilanove).
But when i posted question in the forum about this people told me that the mpu sensor took a lot of current from the 3.3v pin which comes from FTDI chip. But many of them on web i have seen have no problem when they have used this same sensors directly plugging it to their boards & nor did they use any external supply to the sensor then, why is this problem with my borad?
I am trying to do some excersises with ESP8266-01.I am trying to follow this guide but its clear for me that I should not be able to connect RX and TX from arduino directly to ESP8266-01 as this device operates on 3.3V. I did measure my Arduino uno RX and TX pins and I was able to identify that it is 5V rather than 3.3V though most of the guide online show direct connection between arduino and ESP8266. Would you guys suggest me any simple ways how to turn Arduino RX and TX pins into 3.3V so I can connect it to my ESP-8266 and if I change the RX and TX voltage levels, is there any drawbacks to it? Would I still be able to program my arduino as I was before?Also, I should mention that I have an FTDI 3.3V adapter and I am able to program my ESP8266-01 using it. But I want to be able to use my arduino with it. From you diagram it looks like you are using the arduino to route data through from the USB to serial converter (FT232RL) using a software UART to feed it to the ESP8266. I think the software in the Arduino will be too slow for the programming to work.
I suggest using the TX and RX directly from the FT232RL. You will need to load the arduino with a sketch that DOES NOT enable the serial port. One of the blink sketches will do. You will still need your level converter. You will connect your blue wire to the RX pin on the arduino board. (NOTE This is TX from the point of view of the RT232RL) You will need to connect your your green wire to the TX on the Arduino. (NOTE this is the RX from the point of view of the RT232RL.Les.
Can you say EXACTLY how you are trying to program the ESP8266.1 Is it an Uno or a Nano?2 Are you running any software (Sketch in Arduino terminology.)? If so what and if so describe how it works. (As I am totaly useless at programming in 'C') (I want to know if the arduino is communicating with the PC via a USB to serial converter and it's hardware USART and communicating with the ESP8266 via a software UART.)3 If it is a Uno have you removed the Atmega328p from it's socket?4 Show EXACTLY how RX and TX from the ESP8266 are connected to the Arduino.Les. As you are disabling the the Atmega328p you are just using the Atmega16u which is doing the USB to serial conversion.It's RX pin is connected to the Atmega328's TX pin and the atmega16u is connected to the RX pin on the Atmega328.
Arduino Duemilanove 3.3v Serial Generator
The connections on the Uno board are labled to match the Atmega328's Rx and TX pins. So the RX connection on the board is actualy the TX pin on the Atmega16u. Because of this you have to connect the Arduino RX pin to the RX pin on the ESP8266.
(and the same with the TX pins.) So from your drawing in post #10 you just need to swap over the RX and TX connections to the Arduino. That should also fix the problem with your potential divider pulling down the voltage on the TX line.Les. Hey LesJones! I have swapped rx and tx and it works!
Im able to program ESP with arduino though im still not entirely sure how it works. I am pretty sure I have programmed something in the past by connecting reset pin to GND and then using RX and TX respectively.
Also, I was not aware that Arduino have more than 1 main chip, so if you disable 1, the other one will be used? Also, does software serial library that lets me change rx and tx pins change something in that case, would I still be able to program. There is only one main chip an the Arduinos that I have seen.
The other chip us to convert the USB signal to serial data. The Nano in your picture yesterday uses an FT232RL to do this. The Uno uses an Atmega16U for this purpose. If you look in device manager on your PC you will see it has created a virtual comm port. You are only using the part of the Aduino board that does the USB to serial conversion. One thing I could not get to work was using a real serial port on the PC to program an ESP8266. The software serial library creates a UART in software and should be able to use any digital I/O pins.
It has to do a lot more work than using the hardware USART. It has to do serial/parallel conversion and the timing input and output the bits. Using the USART all it has to do is check that the TX buffer is empty and if it is then write a byte of data to it. For receive it just checks the data available bit and if it is set it reads the byte of data from the RX buffer.
I sometimes use the Arduino Uno for configuting Bluetooth modules and I just unplug the ATMEGA328 chip.Les. The bootstrap loader in the Atmega328p expects code to be loaded from the serial port. (NOTE The Atmega328p is not just a blank chip straight from the manufacturers. The bootloader code has to be loaded into it using normal programming methods before it will work in an Arduino.) It may be possible to write a bootloader that would work directly with the USB but it would take up much more memory in the Atmega328P which would leave less space for user programs.You would first need to look at the datasheet for the Atmega328p to see if it can support a USB interface and then contact the Arduino designers and ask them why they did not design it to load directly from the USB. Try yourself to write a sketch to make the Arduino Uno communicate directly with the USB. I think you will find it very hard.Les.
The bootstrap loader in the Atmega328p expects code to be loaded from the serial port. (NOTE The Atmega328p is not just a blank chip straight from the manufacturers. The bootloader code has to be loaded into it using normal programming methods before it will work in an Arduino.) It may be possible to write a bootloader that would work directly with the USB but it would take up much more memory in the Atmega328P which would leave less space for user programs.You would first need to look at the datasheet for the Atmega328p to see if it can support a USB interface and then contact the Arduino designers and ask them why they did not design it to load directly from the USB. Try yourself to write a sketch to make the Arduino Uno communicate directly with the USB.
I think you will find it very hard.Les. I have been experimenting with my ESP8266 and arduino. Unfortunately I am not able to program my ESP8266 using softwareSerial. I am able to program/flash some basic code to my ESP8266 by using Arduino pins D0 (RX) and D1 (TX) and connecting them to ESP. I am trying to upload the same program just using SoftwareSerial pins 2 and 3 instead of 1 and my ESP8266 does not react at all. All I did was change arduino wires instead of D0 and D1 to D2 and D3 and added 3 lines of code.Perhaps I am not quite understanding the SoftwareSerial?The code that I use.