Mason ProgramImage: hks.harvard.eduTwice imprisoned for his political and social beliefs, Assefa Abraha Hagos previously held the rank of a national minister in Ethiopia and played a leading role in transforming the country’s government from a socialist system into a free market economy. Now enjoying success in the private sector, Assefa Abraha Hagos is a mechanical engineer with an MBA. He furthered his graduate studies by obtaining a Master of Public Administration (MPA) from Harvard University.Mr.
Hagos entered Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government where he completed the MC/MPA, which is intended for leaders from a newly industrialized, developing, or transitioning economy. As a Mason Fellow, students enhance their ability to deal with some of the most pressing challenges facing the world and tap their ability to provide novel answers for emerging economies.Participants draw knowledge from world-class faculty members and from co-Mason Fellows, many of whom are equally accomplished.
Edward's Mason Program
Edward Mason Ontario
Mason Fellows comprise an outstanding group with a broad range of backgrounds and experiences. They come from different regions including Latin America, former Eastern Bloc countries, Eastern and Central Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.